I am a Charter member of Theta Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi at SUU, as well as a member of our local sorority Phi Alpha Beta before that. I have been the
Chapter Advisor for 3 years, and I love volunteering my time to see our chapter grow
and expand and be the best of themselves. Our history runs deep, and I know that my
years in Alpha Phi have helped form me, and I cherish the wonderful experiences
I have had. I have been able to see first hand how our chapter has evolved into
an amazing, diverse, wonderful group of sisters and I look forward to seeing us accomplish much more in the years ahead!

I am so grateful to be an advisor and have been able to work with multiple departments since I graduated. Alpha Phi has given me lifelong friendships and so many opportunities both as an active sister and an alumna and I am so glad I can continue to support the amazing women of Theta Sigma.

My name is Sam Andersen. I was initiated into Alpha Phi in the Fall of 2016 and then went alum in Spring of 2019. I have been the recruitment advisor for 4 years and have loved every minute of it. I love Alpha Phi because of all the connections and friendships that I have the opportunity to make. A high ideal that I strive for is character. I find this to be very important in both my positions as a special education teacher and a mom. I am always using the high ideals of Alpha Phi to help set an example for those around me.

Hi! I am Jaclyn Olcott. I was initiated into the Theta Sigma Chapter Spring of 2011. During my time as an active sister I served as the Director of Finance, VP of Chapter Operations, and Chapter President. Since becoming an alumna in Spring of 2014 I have married the love of my life and together we have 3 crazy boys and 1 baby girl. I am grateful that I get to come back to the Theta Sigma chapter to be an advisor. I look forward to working with these girls and seeing the exponential growth I know this chapter is capable of.

I have been an Advisor for Theta Sigma for around four years, and I am grateful to have the opportunity to mentor and give back time to Alpha Phi. The years that women are in college are formative and special, and I know that Alpha Phi influenced those positive experiences for me; I only hope to provide support so current members can walk away with the same fondness as many of us who came before.

My name is Payten Robinson. I started my love for Alpha Phi when I rushed back 2012. As of November of 2022 I have had the honor of becoming an advisor. I love Alpha Phi and all of the amazing women that it has brought and continues to bring into my life. I believe that sisterhood lasts a lifetime and that my sisters are constantly helping me grow into a better, more educated leader.

D'Mia Lamar is an alumna of the Theta Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi. She graduated from Southern Utah University in 2019 and is currently working as a paralegal in Salt Lake City, Utah. D'Mia attributes most of the lifelong friendships she has made to Alpha Phi and the high ideals it preaches. D'Mia enjoys being an Alpha Phi advisor and sees it as an opportunity to give back to the organization that has given her so much.
Erin Carr

My name is Erin Carr, and I serve as the Philanthropy Advisor for the Theta Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi. Currently, I am a middle school dance teacher and absolutely love it. I’m passionate about Alpha Phi because of the lifelong connections and sisterhood it fosters!

I was initiated in Fall 2011 and I have been an advisor for a few months now. I absolutely loved my collegiate years in Alpha Phi, they helped shape me into who I am today. I am super excited to give back a little of what I got and hopefully inspire the current sisters in some way.